For expats and internationals
"H o m e i s i n y o u r s e l f ... W a l k y o u r p a t h w i t h c o n f i d e n c e ..."
You will never be completely at home again, because part of your heart always will be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place.
Coaching sessions for the whole family
Leaving home or coming back home...
Going to live in a different country, culture, language, can be like a rollercoaster of emotions and experience for the whole family.
Assignment accompaniment
I can guide you before, during and after the expatriation.
For parents or for the whole family.
One-on-one coaching sessions
For each family member moving is a complete different experience.
From the outside, expat life looks very exciting, however is not always easy and can be very overwhelming for some members of the family.
Because I have been there in different situations, I know how it is and so I can guide you.
Coaching for:
- accompanying spouses
- children
- teenagers
- when you move alone...